Exerciții de dicție în limba engleză pentru sunetul T

Exerciții de dicție în limba engleză pentru sunetul T

Dicția, în orice ce limbă, este importantă pentru că te ajută să comunici clar, să te faci înţeles, în orice domeniu ai activa. Se ştie că o comunicare ineficientă poate provoca multe neînţelegeri. Dar o vorbire clară și eficientă transmite mai multă încredere şi mai multă siguranţă celor din jur, îţi oferă o anumită prestanţă.

Mai jos sunt câteva seturi de exerciții încurcă-limba (tongue twisters) în limba engleză pentru a practica vorbirea într-un mod clar.

Rostește fiecare dintre următoarele propoziții cu voce tare de trei ori fiecare, enunțând complet fiecare cuvânt. (*pentru a fi sigur că ai spus totul corect, te poți înregistra)
  • There once was a man who had a sister, his name was Mr. Fister. Mr. Fister’s sister sold sea shells by the sea shore. Mr. Fister didn’t sell sea shells, he sold silk sheets. Mr. Fister told his sister that he sold six silk sheets to six shieks. The sister of Mr. Fister said I sold six shells to six shieks too!
  • There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.
  • There those thousand thinkers were thinking where did those other three thieves go through.
  • There was a fisherman named Fisher who fished for some fish in a fissure. Till a fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in. Now they’re fishing the fissure for Fisher.
  • There was a little witch which switched from Chichester to Ipswich.
  • There was a minimum of cinnamon in the aluminum pan.
  • There was a writer called Wright, he taught his son to write Wright right.
  • There’s a cross on the muzzle of the pistol with the bullet but a nick on the handle of the pistol with the blank.
    There’s a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch.
  • They hatch fish at the state fish hatchery and sell hatched fish to the fish stick factory. They think that their teeth get thinner at times they want to taste thick meat.
  • Thin grippy thick slippery. Thin sticks, thick bricks. Thirty-six thick silk threads.
  • Thirty-three thirsty, thundering thoroughbreds thumped Mr. Thurber on Thursday. Thirty-three thousand feathers on a thrushes throat.
  • Thirty-three thousand people think that Thursday is their thirtieth birthday.
  • This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody, when Nobody did, what Anybody could have done.
  • Three tree turtles took turns talking tongue twisters. If three tree turtles took turns talking tongue twisters, where’s the twisters the three tree turtles talked?
  • Thrifty Theophilus, the theocratic thistle sifter, thrice thrust three thousand thistles through the slick thick of his softly throbbing thumb.
  • Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew. While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew. Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze. Freezy trees made these trees’ cheese freeze. That’s what made these three free fleas sneeze.
  • Tommy, Tommy, toiling in a tailor’s shop. All day long he fits and tucks, all day long he tucks and fits, and fits and tucks, and tucks and fits, and fits and tucks, and tucks and fits. Tommy, Tommy, toiling in a tailor’s shop.
  • Truly rural, truly rural, truly rural, …
  • Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.
  • Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town.
  • Two to two to Toulouse?
  • Two tried and True tied. Two tried and true tridents, two tried and true tridents, two tried and true tridents.




Stăpânirea unei limbi străine înseamnă dezvoltare personală, lărgirea orizontului tău, a sferei de socializare și oportunități noi în viață, iar tinerii sunt exact cei ce se află în căutarea direcției, echilibrului și a încrederii în forțele proprii. Indiferent dacă vrei să-ți îmbunătățești discursul pentru călătoriile internaționale sau vrei să-ți impresionezi angajatorul, prin cursurile Dicție.ro te vei asigura că devii maestru în arta conversațională în limba engleză.

Cursurile sunt private și sunt personalizate în funcție de nevoile și obiectivele tale, de la exerciții de pronunție până la cele de intonație. Programul se concentrează pe vocalele și consoanele din engleza britanică, astfel încât sunetele emise de tine să se apropie de perfecțiune. Pentru a putea auzi progresul și pentru a observa efectele instrumentelor prin care ați dobândit o dicție de invidiat încă de la început, fiecare curs este înregistrat audio și video.

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